Modul Melakukan Perkenalan Introduction BHS.IS01.002.01
Modul Melakukan Perkenalan Introduction BHS.IS01.002.01. Berikut ini admin sajikan modul pelatihan Bahasa Inggris (Frontliner) dengan judul materi melakukan perkenalan introduction dengan kode modul BHS.IS01.002.01.
Kata Pengantar
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi merupakan salah satu media pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan sebagai media transformasi pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap kerja kepada peserta pelatihan untuk mencapai kompetensi tertentu berdasarkan program pelatihan yang mengacu kepada Standar Kompetensi. Modul pelatihan ini berorientasi kepada Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi (Competence Based Training) diformulasikan menjadi 3 (tiga) buku, yaitu Buku Informasi, Buku Kerja dan Buku Penilaian sebagai satu kesatuan yang tidak terpisahkan dalam penggunaannya sebagai referensi dalam media pembelajaran bagi peserta pelatihan dan instruktur, agar pelaksanaan pelatihan dapat dilakukan secara efektif dan efisien. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelatihan berbasis kompetensi tersebut, maka disusunlah modul pelatihan berbasis kompetensi dengan judul “Melakukan Perkenalan/Introductions“. Kami berharap modul pelatihan berbasis kompetensi ini dapat membatu para instruktur dan peserta pelatihan menjadi media yang efektif dalam proses pelatihan berbasis kompetensi baik yang diselenggarakan oleh lembaga pelatihan milik pemerintah maupun milik swasta guna menghasilkan luaran pelatihan yang kompeten sesuai standar kompetensi kerja. Untuk lembaga pelatihan kerja yang menyelenggarakan pelatihan berbasis kompetensi yang salah satu unit kompetensinya “Melakukan Perkenalan/Introductions“ kiranya dapat menggunakan modul ini sebagai media pelatihan. Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa memberikan tuntunan kepada kita semua dalam melakukan berbagai upaya untuk menunjang proses pelaksanaan pelatihan berbasis kompetensi guna menghasilkan tenaga kerja yang kompeten dan berdaya saing tinggi sesuai kebutuhan pasar kerja baik nasional maupun global.
Acuan Standar Kompetensi Kerja |
Kode Unit : BHS.IS01.002.01
Judul Unit : Melakukan Perkenalan/ Introductions
Deskripsi Unit : Unit ini berkaitan dengan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap kerja yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan perkenalan.
1. Memperkenalkan diri pada |
1.1 Informasi identitas diri
disampaikan kepada |
2. Memperkenalkan orang lain |
2.1 Informasi identitas orang lain
disampaikan |
3. Memperkenalkan institusi |
3.1 Informasi tentang institusi atau
perusahaan |
TujuanA. Tujuan Umum.Setelah mempelajari modul peserta latih mampu melakukan perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan pelanggan/kolega. B. Tujuan Khusus. Adapun tujuan mempelajari unit kompetensi melalui buku informasi Melakukan Perkenalan / Introductions ini guna memfasilitasi peserta latih sehingga pada akhir pelatihan diharapkan memiliki kemampuan sebagai berikut: 1. Memperkenalkan diri pada orang lain yang meliputi kegiatan Menyampaikan informasi identitas diri kepada orang lain, Menyampaikan kata-kata, ungkapan, dan kalimat perkenalan dengan benar. 2. Memperkenalkan orang lain yang meliputi kegiatan Menyampaikan informasi identitas orang lain, Menggunakan kata-kata, ungkapan, dan kalimat untuk memperkenalkan orang lain dengan benar. 3. Memperkenalkan institusi atau perusahaan paada pihak lain yang meliputi kegiatan Menyampaikan informasi tentang institusi atau perusahaan, Menggunakan kata-kata, ungkapan, dan kalimat untuk memperkenalkan institusi atau perusahaan dengan benar. |
MEMPERKENALKAN DIRI PADA ORANG LAIN A. Pengetahuan yang Diperlukan dalam Memperkenalkan Diri pada Orang Lain 1. Informasi identitas diri Ada beberapa situasi bisnis dimana kita harus memperkenalkan identitas diri, pekerjaan, instansi dimana kita bekerja seperti saat melakukan interview pekerjaan, rapat bisnis, pelatihan, workshop, konferensi, dll. Perkenalan bisa jadi akan terasa sulit jika dilakukan dalam bahasa asing misal dalam Bahasa Inggris. Tabel berikut ini poin-poin yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan identitas diri saat memperkenalkan diri dengan orang lain, antara lain; Table 1 Personal Information |
1. Name | My name is..... I am......(Your name) My complete name is... My nick name is..... My friends call me ... You can call me ... |
2. Age | I’m .....years old |
3. Education | I am studying at.... I graduated from.....majoring...... I have completed..... (Degree) from.... (School/University) e.g: I have completed my Bachelor of Engineering from Nanyang University I’m currently studying ....(Major) at......(School/University) e.g: I am currently studying Finance at Indonesian University I have done my schooling in..... |
4. Occupation | I work for .....(company) |
I work as....(position) I am an .....(position at your work) at .....(company) e.g I’m a journalist at Suara Merdeka Newspaper | |
5. Address | I live at..... (your address) I am from.... (Country/City) I come from Solo I hail from Michingan I live in Jakarta |
6. Nationality | I’m (Indonesian) I’m (American) I am (Cambodian), Etc. |
7. Interest/Hobby | I like reading books I’m good in cook I’m good at playing chess |
1.1 Conversation Activity Introducting yourself at Job Interview |
manufacturing company that
currently has a job opening in its
Marketing department. Lidsay
Lohan is the first applicant to be
interviewed this morning by
Mediate’s Marketing Manager Mr. Mark Twain.
Mark | : Good Morning, Lidsay. I’m Mark Twain |
Lidsay | : Good Morning, sir! |
Mark | : How are you doing? |
Lidsay | : I am doing fine. Thank you. |
Mark | : Lidsay, let’s start the interview, are you ready? |
Lidsay | : Yes, I am. |
Mark | : First of all, let me properly introduce myself. I am the Marketing Department Manager. As you know there is an |
open position in my department, and I need to fill this position as soon as possible. | |
Lidsay | : Please, tell me a little bit about the position. |
Mark | : It is an entry-level position. The new employee will have to work closely with the Marketing department and deal with the customer on a daily basis. |
Lidsay | : That’s great |
Mark | : Lidsay, tell me a little bit about yourself. |
Lidsay | : It's my pleasure to introduce my self. Well, I'm Lidsay Lohan born and raised in Chicago. I’m 22 years old now. I was a student at North West University, and I just graduated with a Bachelor degree in Economics. I have been working part-time as sales promotion girl the last two years. |
Mark | : Anything else? Tell me about your hobbies. |
Lidsay | : My hobbies are net surfing and swimming. |
Mark | : Okay, thank you for the introduction. Lidsay, What are you looking for in a job? |
Lidsay | : The job should help me see what Marketing is all about. I have learned a lot of Economics and Marketing theories at school, and now it is time for me to put them into practice. |
Mark | : What are your strengths? Why should I hire you? |
Lidsay | : My strengths are hardworker, self motivating and dedicated towards my work as well as a good learner. |
Mark | : Good, thank for your answer Lidsay. Do you still have any questions for me? |
Lidsay | : No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the job and I hope to have the opportunity to work for you. |
Mark | : Lidsay, I will contact you later if you are eligible for the position. Nice meeting you. Thank you for coming. |
Lidsay | : Nice meeting you too. |
2. Kata, ungkapan, kalimat perkenalan Ketika memperkenalkan diri kepada orang lain sebelum menyebutkan informasi identitas diri biasanya didahului dengan mengungkapkan kata, ungkapan, kalimat perkenalan. Di bawah ini merupakan kata, ungkapan, kalimat untuk mengawali perkenalan yang digunakan dalam situasi formal dan informal. Tabel 2 Formal and Informal Introducting Oneself Phrases Untuk menutup percakapan dengan sopan saat memperkenalkan diri dengan orang lain, berikut ungkapan dan respon yang dapat digunakan; Table 3 Ending Introduction Phrases |
• Can/May I introduce myself?, My name is.... • Let me introduce my self, I am.... (yourname) • I would like to introduce my self, my name is.... • I don’t think we have met before, I’m ..... (yourname) • I think we’ve already met, .... • It's my pleasure to introduce my self,..... | • Hello, I’m.... (yourname) • Hi, my name is...... |
1. Nice to meet you | • It is nice to meet you, too |
2. I’m glad we’ve met | • Me too |
3. Pleased to meet you | • Pleased to meet you, too |
4. I am happy to see you | • I’m very happy too |
5. It was nice meeting you | • I really enjoyed meeting you, too |
2.1 Conversation Activity Picture 2 Meeting new friends Betrice is new students taking English course in CEVEST. This morning, Betrice come to the class and meet new friend, Furi. They have small talk introducting each other. |
Betrice | : Good morning, May I sit down here? |
Furi | : Good morning, please do! I never met you before, are you new student here? |
Betrice | : Yes, I am. |
Furi | : Hi, my name is Furi. |
Betrice | : Hi Furi, My name is Betrice. |
Furi | : How do you spell it? |
Betrice | : B-E-T-R-I-C-E |
Furi | : Betrice, Where do you live? |
Betrice | : I’m from Solo. Now, I live in Boarding house near Perumnas Kayuringin |
Furi | : Nice, I live at Darmawangsa Residence Tambun. How long do you live there? |
Betrice | : I live there for two months with my sister. |
Furi | : Oh...I see. It was nice talking to you Betrice, but Ms. Endy is coming now. We’ll continue it later, ok? |
Betrice | : Okay! |
B. Keterampilan yang Diperlukan dalam Memperkenalkan Diri pada Orang Lain 1. Menyampaikan informasi identitas diri kepada orang lain 2. Menggunakan kata, ungkapan,kalimat perkenalan C. Sikap Kerja yang Diperlukan dalam Memperkenalkan Diri pada Orang Lain 1. Harus jelas dan cermat dalam menyampaikan informasi identitas diri kepada orang lain 2. Harus jelas dan cermat dalam menggunakan kata,ungkapan,kalimat Perkenalan |
MEMPERKENALKAN ORANG LAIN A. Pengetahuan yang Diperlukan dalam Memperkenalkan Orang Lain 1. Informasi identitas orang lain Untuk dapat mengumpulkan informasi identitas orang lain, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat tanya, seperti contoh dibawah ini; Table 4 Asking for One’s Identity 2. Kata, ungkapan, kalimat untuk memperkenalkan orang lain Ungkapan didalam tabel dibawah ini dapat digunakan untuk memperkenalkan orang lain; Table 5 Introducing Someone Else Phrases |
• What’s your name | • Hi, my name is Sin Chua! |
• How do you spell it? | • S-I-N-C-H-U-A |
• Where are you from? | • I’m from Kamboja |
• What nationality are you? | • I am Cambodian |
• When were you born? | • I was born in Ho Chi Min City |
• Where do you live? | • I live at Jakarta now |
• Where do you study? | • I graduated from Tokyo University |
• Where do you work? | • I work at ASEAN Secretariat Jakarta |
• What is your position in the company? | • I am English translator |
• What’s your hobby? | • I like shopping |
• Can/May I introduce a good friend of mine? This is... |
• Have you met....? |
• I would like to introduce my friend/colleague..... |
• I want you to meet... |
• I would like you to meet.... |
• Thi is my friend... |
2.1 Conversation Activity Introducing Friends |
JAMES | : Good morning, Professor Austin, how are you doing? |
PROFESSOR AUSTIN | : Good morning, James. I am doing well. And you? |
JAMES | : I’m great, thank you. This is my friend Emma. She is thinking about applying to this college. She has a few questions. Would you mind telling us about the process, please? |
PROFESSOR AUSTIN | : Hello, Emma! It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m more than happy to speak with you. Please stop by my office next week. |
EMMA | : It’s a pleasure to meet you, Professor. Thank you so much. |
PROFESSOR AUSTIN | : Don’t mention it. Hopefully, I will be able to answer your questions! |
MEMPERKENALKAN INSTITUSI ATAU PERUSAHAAN PADA PIHAK LAIN A. Pengetahuan yang Diperlukan dalam Memperkenalkan Institusi atau Perusahaan pada Pihak Lain 1. Informasi tentang institusi atau perusahaan Profil atau informasi tentang institusi atau perusahaan dimana kita bekerja harus diketahui secara mendetail. Hal ini diperlukan ketika kita memperkenalkan institusi/perusahaan kepada pihak lain khususnya, klien, mitra kerja, kolega dari perusahaan/ institusi lain. Berikut poin-poin untuk menjelaskan profil/ informasi tentang institusi/perusahaan; a. Name of Institution Dalam memperkenalkan institusi atau perusahaan, pertama kali kita dapat menyebutkan nama institusi atau perusahaan, seperti contoh berikut; i. I work for Chevron. b. Business Activities Setelah menyebutkan nama institusi atau perusahaan , kita dapat v. LPK Mahardika is accredited computereducation and training institution in Sragen. Etc |
iii. I work as Marketing Manager at PT. Larossa.
iv. I work for NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) in Swedia.
v. I am an anchor at Metro TV.
menjelaskan sektor/kegiatan bisnis institusi/lembaga/perusahaan,
contohnya sebagai berikut;
i. PT Larossa distributes health products throughout Asia.
ii. ABC company is considered as food manufacturing company.
iii. Kontras is one of NGO in Indonesia working on disappeared and
victims of Violence in Indonesia.
iv. My company is the largest farming industry in Indonesia.
c. Location Lokasi perusahaan baik kantor pusat atau cabang perusahaan dapat disampaikan untuk memperjelas profil tentang institusi atau perusahaan dimana kita bekerja. Berikut contoh untuk menerangkan lokasi institusi atau perusahaan; v. Etc. d. Workforce 2. Kata, ungkapan, kalimat memperkenalkan institusi atau perusahaan Memperkenalkan diri dan intitusi/ perusahaan dimana kita bekerja merupakan hal terpenting ketika pertama kali bertemu dengan mitra kerja saat pertemuan atau perjalanan bisnis. Cara kita memperkenalkan diri dan institusi dapat memberikan kesan yang mendalam (first impression) bagi klien atau mitra kerja. Oleh karena itu, perlu untuk memahami bagaimana menggunakan ungkapan dan kalimat yang sopan dan formal saat memperkenalkan diri dan institusi. Tahapan dalam memperkenalkan perusahaan kepada pihak lain atau mitra kerja baru secara formal terdiri dari; Ucapan salam (Greetings) Memperkenalkan nama, posisi, jabatan, dll (Self Introduction) |
ii. The headquarters of Chevron is situated at Denver Colorado.
iii. My company has seven branches throughout Indonesia.
iv. My office’s building is at SCBD Tower 2nd floor Jakarta.
Informasi tambahan tentang jumlah divisi/departemen, bidang,
karyawan dan pimpinan dapat disampaikan untuk mengenalkan profil
perusahaan ke pihak lain. Berikut contohnya;
i. Currently, our company has 2000 people on staff.
ii. Toyota Automobile has eight departments and eight directors in
iii. There are 100 instructors working at BBPLKLN CEVEST.
iv. PT Sritek, a garmen company, employ approximately 7540 workers
and has two factories in Sukoharjo.
v. Etc.
Menyampaikan informasi perusahaan (Name of Institution, location, business activities, workforce, etc) memperkenalkan institusi atau perusahaan ke pihak lain, berikut adalah contoh percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris; Business Trip to New York In this summer, Nadia, Manager of Marketing Gemah Ripah Company, has to fly to New York having business trip and meeting with new clients. Nadia’s Boss asked her to meet Mr. Lancover, Public Relation’s manager of Hero Company. After confirming meeting appointment with Mr. Lancover, Nadia come to Mr. Lancover’s office. |
Untuk mengetahui kata, ungkapan, kalimat yang digunakan dalam
Receptionist | : Good morning, welcome to Hero Company. What can I do for you, madam? |
Nadia | : Good morning, My name is Nadia Rahma from Gemah Ripah Company Indonesia, I have called by Mr. Lancover yesterday. He asked me to meet him at his office at 10.00 a.m today. |
Receptionist | : Ok, please wait a minutes, I’ll confirm your appoinment to his secretary. (one minute later) Mrs. Rahma, I already told your coming to Mr. Lancover’s secretary. She is asking you to go to 3rd floor and welcoming you in front of the room. |
Nadia | : Okay, thank you very much! |
Receptionist | : My pleasure Mrs. Rahma. |
Ms. Leny | : Good morning, Mrs. Rahma! My name is Leny Brown, Mr. Lancover’s secretary, welcome to our office and nice to meet you here. Mr Lancover is waiting for you. Please come in! |
Nadia | : Good morning, Ms. Leny. I’m Nadia Rahma, Nice too meet you too. (Entering room) |
Nadia | : Good morning sir! my name’s is Nadia Rahma from Gemah Ripah Company Indonesia. |
Mr. Lancover | : Oh.. Good morning, Mrs. Rahma. I’m John Lancover. We’ve spoken on the phone a couple of times. Nice to meet you |
Nadia | : It’s nice to be here. Please call me Nadia. |
Mr. Lancover | : Allright, Is this your first visit to U.S, Mrs. Nadia? |
Nadia | : No, I’ve been to Boston two times but it’s my first visit to New York |
Mr.Lancover | : Wow great! By the way, What motivated you to come Hero Company? |
Nadia | : Firstly, I’d like to say thank you for your invitation. Actually, I work as Marketing Manager at Gemah Ripah Company, property and developer company based on Cibitung Bekasi. Then, my purpose visiting your company is to introduce my company and initiate partnership with Hero Company in future. I heard that Hero company is one of leading investment company in U.S. |
Mr.Lancover | : I see, I appreciate your intentions visiting our company. For your information. We have established good cooperation throughout South East Asia especially Indonesia for last ten years. We concern on property investment such as Apartment, Hotel, and Public Infrastructure investment. And now, tell me more about Gemah Ripah company! |
Nadia | : Currently, our company has 3 branches, 2 branches is |
located in Kalimantan and one office branch is situated at Sulawesi. Totally, we employ 1256 staff. Furthermore, we have been collaborated with Foreign investor in developing property bussiness such as building mall and apartment in Java, constructing new airport in Kalimantan, etc. | |
Mr. Lancover | : Great! After hearing your company profile, I’d like to invite you to meet Partnership and Project Director of Hero Company, Mr. Grey Burton. But, He is still visiting Hongkong for Business Meeting and will come back to New York next two days. Do you still in New York for next two days, Mrs. Nadia? |
Nadia | : I’d love to hear that Mr. Lancover. I will have seven days trip in New York actually. And next two days, I still have no appointment. |
Mr. Lancover | : Okay, I’ll contact you again tomorrow after confirming to Mr. Grey. |
Nadia | : Thank you Mr. Lancover. It was nice talking to you. |
Mr. Lancover | : I really enjoyed meeting you, too |
Soal Latihan
MEMPERKENALKAN DIRI PADA ORANG LAIN A. Tugas Teori Instruction for No. 1-10, Please answer the following questions based on the text provided below. |
Perintah | : Jawablah pertanyaan sesuai dengan instruksi yang diberikan pada masing-masing soal |
Waktu penyelesaian | : 45 menit |
Soal | : |
Hello, my name is Alexandro Nasution I am 34 years old. I was born in Medan, Indonesia Now, I’m living in Miami, Florida. Miami is a city in Florida Florida is a state in the U.S.A. I live with my wife. My wife is Han Ji Min. She is 30 years old. She is from South Korea. I am postgraduate student in Florida State University My wife work for Harper Seven Magazine as fashion stylist. We live in an apartment. Our apartment is on the 2nd floor of the apartment building. We are happy with our life in the U.S.A We are going to apply for U.S.A citizenship next year. |
Questions: |
1. Where was Alexandro Nasution born? ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ |
2. How old is Alexandro Nasution? ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ |
3. Where does Alexandro continue his Master Degree? ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ |
4. Is Alexandro American? ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ |
5. Where do Alexandro and his wife live at? ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ |
6. Where is Miami? ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ |
7. What is Alexandro’s wife name? ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ |
8. Where is Alexandro’s wife come from? ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ |
9. Where does Han Ji min work? ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ |
10. What’s Han Ji Min position in the company? ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ |
Instruction for No. 11-20, Complete these sentences about yourself. Let me introduce my self! 11. My name is .............................................................................................. 12. You can call me ..................................................................................... 13. I am ..........................................................................................years old. 14. I was born in ............................................................................................ 15. I live in .................................................................................................... 16. I graduated from....................................................................................... 17. I work for ................................................................................................. 18. I am a/an ................................................................................................. 19. I like ........................................................................................................ 20. My goals are ............................................and........................................... |
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